What's next? Where do we go from here?
When will our Rembrandt Remastered / Night Watch World Tour continue after the successful Wilhelmshaven Grand Rehearsal?
We received a very positive response from the public and media, as well as from all our event partners. Thank you for all your contributions! We have learned a lot and at the same time feel very fulfilled about both the creative process and the presented end result. We were able to try-out everything we had planned. From selecting and prepping the cotton canvas, to materials, to costumes, stage design, media attention, and event recording through time lapsing and photography.
"What's next?" is a fair question, and also still an open question. As said, our aim is to bring our Night Watch Experience to every continent, for one exclusive performance each.
We are looking for inspired candidates to partner with us on this artistic journey, in:
* Europe
* Asia
* North / Central America
* South America
* Africa / Middle East / Gulf
* Oceania
If you think you can contribute in any way, do contact us!
The Grand Rehearsal canvas and frame is at the moment in safe storage in Wilhelmshaven (D). I imagine there is still some 'restoration' work on it left to do for a perfect finish.
We are happy to display our Night Watch Grand Rehearsal canvas somewhere in Europe on a suitable venue as it is now, and/or as a live painting demonstration with one or two 'maestri maddonari'. It deserves a second life. For further inquiries, please contact me.